sarah bennett


curriculum vitae

sarah bennett

Artist Sarah Bennett


2014 Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
2010 PhD Plymouth University: 'Traces, Boundaries, Surfaces: an investigation through art practice of institutional sites with particular reference to a former lunatic asylum'
1980 BA (Hons) Fine Art Exeter College of Art and Design (CNAA)

academic roles

2020- Visiting Fellow, Kingston School of Art, Kingston University, London, UK
2020- PhD Supervisor, Transart Institute, USA (in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
2016-2020 Head of School, Art and Architecture, KSA, Kingston University, London, UK
2015-2016 Interim Head of School, Art & Media, Plymouth University, UK
2012-2015 Associate Head of School, Art & Media, Plymouth University, UK
2002-2016 Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Fine Art, Plymouth University, UK
2010-2016 Liaison and Member, Transart Institute, New York, USA
2009-2016 Subject Leader Fine Art, Plymouth University, UK
2009-2011 MA Programmes Coordinator, School of Art & Media, Plymouth University, UK
2008-2013 Programme Leader MA Fine Art, Plymouth University, UK
2005-2009 Academic Liaison, MA fine Art, Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, NL
2000-2004 BA Fine Art Part-time Course Coordinator, Exeter School of Art & Design, UK
1987-1989 Course Leader, Art Foundation Diploma, Exeter College of Art & Design, UK

exhibitions and research projects

2024 'Decennium', Hestercombe Gallery, Somerset, UK, March 23 - 7 July
2022 'Safe-keeping (custodia)' in Sotto Cieli Laterali – 7th edition of L’Arte non Mente, Udine, Italy 1-23 Jul
2022 'Capacity does not explain but cultivates a September garden' by We are Publication, Whitstable Biennale 11-19 June
2022 'Bummock: Tennyson Research Centre', The Collection, Lincoln, UK, Jan 8 - Feb 20
2021 'Bummock: Tennyson Research Centre', Hub: a National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford, UK, September 11 - 31 Oct
2020 'Open Up', new site-specific artwork commissioned by Hestercombe Gallery, Somerset, UK, August 19 – Spring 2021
2020 'Enough is Definitely Enough', Oceans Apart, Salford, UK, 7 March-3 April
2019 'Enough is Definitely Enough', General Practice, Lincoln, UK, 30 March-13 April
2018 'Materiality: Provisional States', Hestercombe Gallery, UK, 10 Nov-24 Feb 2019
2018 'Safe-keeping (Custodia)', Museo del Manicomio di San Servolo, Venice, 27 Oct-23 Nov
2017 'Gale[T]rA', Montefiascone, Italy, 8th-17th September
2015 'Disordering Chaos', Fringe Arts Bath, UK, 22 May-7 June
2014 'Safe-keeping (Custodia)', Museo Laboratorio della Mente, Rome, Italy 31 Oct-30 Nov
2013 'Wall-wounds', Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth, UK, 15 April-16 June
2012 'Revisions and Propositions', in the former Exeter College of Art and Design, Exeter, UK
2011-2014 'Geographies of Affect and Memory' at the Museo Laboratorio della Mente, Rome, Italy
2010 'Spaces Inbetween', Transart International Collective, Concent Art, Berlin, DE
2010 'Re-formations', Reg Vardy Gallery, University of Sunderland, UK, 11 Nov-10 Dec
2009 'Re-formations, site-based interventive projections', Davy building, Plymouth, UK
2000 'Window Sills: Art of Locality' funded by Regional Arts Lottery Fund
1999 'Souls/Soles' in Traces, St Michael's Church Honiton, UK
1999 'Chloride' in On and Off the Wall, Art Haven, Exeter, UK
1999 'Salt Pieces' in 21, Spacex Gallery, Exeter, UK with work sited at St Nicholas Priory
1979-1999 selected exhibitions: Spacex Gallery, Exeter (solo); Royal Albert Memorial Museum (2 person), Exeter; Rennes, France (juried/prizewinner); Penwith Gallery, St Ives (group); Plymouth Arts Centre (solo); Andrew Grant Gallery, Edinburgh (group); Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth (group); Falmouth Arts Centre (group); St Paul’s Gallery, Leeds (group); Sainsbury Centre, Norwich (juried)

screenings and broadcasts

2021 'Safe-keeping (custodia)', screening, The (not so) Short Fest, Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, Connecticut,
USA Jan-Feb
2020 'Green Moss' in Clouds and Tracks, Radiophrenia 14 Nov


Bennett, S. (2022) 'From Bummock to Tip: Artists’ interviews & Items from the Archive' in Bracey, A, and Maier, D (Eds) Bummock: Tennyson Research Centre, Lincoln, UK: FTB Press
Bennett, S; Brown, B and Butler, J (2021) A framework of good practices for 3rd Cycle doctoral awards in the creative and performing arts and design sector, Gerrit Rietveld Academie and EQ-Arts: Colophon
Bennett, S. and Dean, A, (2020) Thematic Analysis on behalf of EQ-Arts
Bennett, S. (2019) 'Affecting Objects: the minor Gesture within a performative artistic research enquiry' in Boyd, C and Edwardes, C (Eds) Non-representational Theory and the Creative Arts, London: Palgrave Macmillan
Bennett, S. (2010) 'Re-enacting Traces: The Historical Building as Container of Memory' in The Journal of Memory Connection (online) - Vol 1, No 1, 'Contained Memory' published by Massey University, NZ and Syracuse University, USA 
Bennett, S. and Melling, G (2010) 'Window Sills: Art of Locality' in Szijártó Zsolt (ed) Public/Space: Concepts, Perspectives and Approaches, Budapest: Gondolat
Bennett, S. (2010) 'Re-forming the institution: the wall as memory archive' in Journal of Media Practice Volume 11 Number 3
Bennett, S. (2008) 'Crossing the Line' in Coutts, G and Jokela, T (2008) (Eds) Art, Community and Environment: Educational Perspectives (Readings in Art and Design Education) Bristol: Intellect
Bennett, S., Butler, J., Kirkham, N and Miles, M (2004) 'A Comparative Evaluation: Projects in Exeter, Barcelona, London and Tyneside' in Miles, M. and Hall, T. (Eds) Interventions: Art and Urban Futures Vol. 4, Portland, USA and Bristol: Intellect
Bennett, S. Mellings, G. (2001) 'Art of Locality' in AN Magazine for Artists
Bennett, S. (2000) 'Crossing the Line' in International Journal of Art Education Vol 19 No. 3
Bennett, S. and Melling, G. (2000) 'Window Sills: Art of Locality' in Bennett, S and Butler J (Eds) Locality, Regeneration and Diversities, Art and Urban Futures Vol 1, Bristol and Portland, USA: Intellect

conference papers 

2023 Exploring posthuman space-times in the context of an arts residency, with Boyd, C; and Edwardes, C; in 'Speculative Time' Panel, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London
2018 'Affective Encounters' at Musei, Memorie e Narrazio per la Salute Mentale, Museo del Manicomio di San Servolo, Venice, 27 Oct
2018 'Contemporary Museum Geographies' with Boyd, C. in Felt Knowledges Panel RGS-IBG Annual International Conference: Geographical landscapes / changing landscapes of geography, Cardiff University, UK
2015 'Creative Partnerships: supporting the Arts Ecology of Plymouth', at HEEG Conference, Southampton Solent University, UK 11-12 June
2014 'Institutional Dwelling' Public Talk at Museo Laboratorio della Mente Rome, Italy, 31 October
2014 'Embedding enterprise, supporting local arts organisations and graduate retention' (co-presented with Prof Alan Schechner and Phil Ellis) at HEEG Conference, Kingston University, UK, 17-18 June
2013 'Affect and agency in the archived objects of the Museo Laboratorio della Mente', at Museum Futures in an age of Austerity Conference, University of London, 14-16 June
2012 'Shared Traits' in the panel Interdisciplinary Geographies: Art, Design and Poetics at Royal Geographic Society Annual Conference 'Security of Geography/Geography of Security' Edinburgh, UK 2-5 July
2011 'Tracing Absence: between bodies and buildings' at American Anthropological Association Annual Conference Traces, Tidemarks and Legacies, Montreal, Canada, 16-20 Nov
2010 'Wall-wounds: The wall as memory archive' - Contained Memory Conference, Te Papa National Museum, Wellington, New Zealand, 9-11 December
2010 'Dis-placing Memory: The wall as memory archive' - Creativity and Place Conference (AHRC funded), Geography Dept, University of Exeter, UK, 23-25 June
2010 'Re-formations: Re-enactment as an Artistic Research Method', American Association of Geographers Conference, Washington DC, USA 14-18 April
2010 'Re-modelling the model: A critique of an institution through artistic research', Models as Active Spaces Symposium, Plymouth Arts Centre, UK, February 17 Feb
2009 'Re-formations: Wall as Memory Archive', Journal of Media Practice Symposium, University of Sussex, UK, 13 July
2007 'Refuge for the Mad, or Refuge from the Mad', Utopia Conference, Plymouth University, UK, 7-8 July
2006 'The Importance of Names: an analysis of changing nomenclature in two former asylums', Connections No.5: An Interdisciplinary Conference of Research Students, University of Bristol, UK, 16-17 Feb

external academic roles

2024 Panel Chair HAKA Panel, Institutional Accreditation, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, EST.
2023 Panel Chair EQE Panel, Accreditation BA, MA Art History and Theory, N(N)LE St. Tbel Abuseridze Teaching University of the Patriarchate of Georgia, GE
2023 Panel Chair EQE Panel, Accreditation BA, MA and PhD Art History and Theory, Apt. Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Art, Tbilisi, Georgia
2023 Panel Chair EQE Panel, Accreditation BA, MA and PhD Art History and Theory, Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
2023 Panel Chair NVAO Panel, Accreditation Master of Fine Art and Design, KABK, Den Haag, NL
2022- External Examiner, MFA Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art, UK
2022 Panel Chair EQ-Arts Accreditation Review, École Professionnelle des Arts Contemporains, Saxon, Switzerland
2022 NVAO Panel Member, Accreditation BA Fine Art and BA Design, KABK, Den Haag, NL
2021- Expert Member of EU funded project: CALOHEX - Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe2021 External Panel Member, Revalidation MA Fine Art, Lincoln University, UK
2021 Panel Chair, Musique Review (online), BA and MA Visual Arts, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium
2021 External Advisor, Validation MA Fine Art, Falmouth University, UK
2019 Panel Chair, EQ Arts Review, Fine Art – Creation in Public Space, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Technical University Liberec, Czech Republic
2019 EQ Arts Accreditation Panel Member, Masters of Arts in Fine Art and Design, Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2019 NVAO Accreditation Panel Member, Masters of Arts in Fine Art and Design, Frank Mohr Institute, Groningen, Netherlands
2018 EQ Arts Evaluation Panel, Visual Arts Programme, KASK, Ghent, Belgium
2018 External Panel Member, Periodic Review Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art, UK 2017 EQ Arts Consultant, Masters Institute AKV St Joost, Netherlands
2017 Panel Chair, SKVC International Review Panel, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania
2015 EQ Arts Training, European League of Institutes of Arts (ELIA)
2015 External Advisor, Validation of Arts-Based Masters Scheme, BCU, UK
2014 External Advisor, Validation MFA/MDes Contextualised Practice, Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK
2013 Panel Chair of ‘From the personal to the Universal’, Conference on Disability, Arts and Activism, Salisbury Art Centre, UK, 10th April
2012 External Adviser, Validation MFA Fine Art, Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts, London, UK
2011 External Adviser, Validation of MFA Fine Art and MA Experimental Film, Kingston University, London, UK
2009 Validation Panel Member MFA, MDes, MPhil at Cardiff School of Art and Design, UWIC, UK
2007-2011 External Examiner, Birmingham City University (BCU) for BA (Hons) Fine Art (Solihull College)
2006 Validation Panel Member, MA Art and Professional Practice, University of Worcester
2005-8 External Examiner, Wimbledon School of Art for BA (Hons) Theory and Practice
1997-2001 Open College Network (OCN) External Examiner

membership of boards

2018- Board Member EQ Arts
2015-2017 Trustee, Effervescent: Social Alchemy
1994-1998 Panel Chair, Education Advisory Group, Spacex
1988-2000 Trustee of Spacex Gallery Exeter

PhD supervision completions

2023 Purves, D., An Investigation into Community Responses to Localised Urban Flooding: The Potential Role of Ecological Citizenship
2021 Hammond, F., Image, Material, Site, Screen: Reflections from a World Capital
2020 Hakeem, R., Trace and History: an investigation of Kurdish Banner-making through contemporary art practice
2019 Geremia, A., Maker, Wearer, Viewer, Object: the reflexive destabilisation of brooches in a contemporary jewellery making practice
2018 Osborn, L., Encountering Statues: object-oriented ontology and the figure in a sculptural practice
2017 Knowles, R.V., A translocal approach to dialogue-based art
2015 Baugh, T., An Investigation of an Artistic Equivalence of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2014 Ismail, K., Pudu Jail’s Graffiti: Beyond the Prison Cells


sarah bennett © 2024